Friday, February 8, 2008

Stephen King Is A Master Storyteller

Looking for a great read full of suspense? That book that you cannot put down? Pick up a Stephen Kingnovel today. King is the master of suspense in a variety of genres: fantasy, science fiction, horror and even drama. Take your pick. You will not be disappointed.

A gifted storyteller with over 50 best selling horror and fantasy novels in publication, Stephen Kingholds a reader in his grip from the first page to the last of any book he has crafted. A few well-known titles include Carrie, Firestarter, The Shining, The Green Mile, The Dark Towers Series, Hearts in Atlantis, Desperation, Dreamcatcher, and most recently, Duma Key.

Here is what fans have to say about Duma Key:

"This is the Stephen King we all know and scared us out of our wits so well. "Duma Key" is more than just a horror novel, or pop fiction, it also has a lot to say about the human condition."

"Yes, it's scary. Yes, it's long. But this new novel is more than just another Stephen King book. With a streamlined style and a plot that's never predictable, it's King at his crisp, clear, page-turning best."

"This book is just great Stephen King! It has all of his best attributes, great characters, suspense and goosebumps! I hope he keeps writing forever!"

For a great selection of Stephen King novels at the best prices, click Stephen King

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